Beers of Belize
1. Belikin. This is the main beer in Belize. Its a surprisingly good and refreshing lager. If a place sells beer then it sells Belikin. 4.8% ABV

2. Belikin Premium. Like the name implies this is a slightly more expensive lager. Its mos
tly find in resort areas. 4.8% ABV

3. Belikin Stout. Comes in an identical bottle as standard Belikin; its identifiable by the blue bottle cap. Its a good stout and I actually prefer it to the lager. 6.5% ABV

4. Belikin Lighthouse Lager. Like the name implies, this is an even lighter version of Belikin. In my opinion its an inferior beer. It is a less common beer. 4.2% ABV

5. Guinness Foreign Extra Stout. This beer is actually brewed in Belize rather than Ireland. Foreign Extra can be found in Africa and the Caribbean. Its comparable to Belikin Stout but is a little more expensive and has a little more alcohol. It has the highest alcohol content of the beers of Belize. 7.5% ABV
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